
WinAero Tweaker: All-In-One Windows Tweaking Utility

If you are one to get quickly tired of your Windows system or are always on the prowl for new ways to tinker with the system without causing irreparable harm? A free utility will do that and much more for you!

Winaero tweaker is a free utility that gives you the wheel on carrying out some of the most important tweaks on your system above Windows 7. (The software supports Windows 7, 8 / 8.1, and 10).

A look at Winaero.

Several of these have already already been covered by us in the previous months, but this tweak application will save you the trouble of going through the hassle of registry files and giving you everything in a handy application from which you can choose to turn an option on or off or from interacting with a checkbox.

Out of the box, Winaero tweaker gives you a world of options on how to customize your Windows, You have several categories to customize:

  • Appearance and its advanced settings.
  • Behavior (various aero settings, updates, etc).
  • Boot & Logon (login screen image and more).
  • Desktop and Taskbar.
  • Context Menu options.
  • Control Panel.
  • File Explorer.
  • Network.
  • User Accounts.
  • Windows Apps.

For a freeware application to offer this level of diversity when it comes to tweaking your Windows installation is absolutely astounding.

This is a highly recommended app for people who might not so comfortable navigating through their registry editor or have little to no success in making a registry file or getting it to work.

If you prefer doing things the quick and easy way then Winaero tweaker is a fantastic app with MUCH to offer and the constant flurry of updates make sure that newer tweaks are added each time.

In the below image, you can see how one of our guides has been made into a simple option to activate or deactivate with the app holding your hand through a simple 2-step program.

A look at WInAero.

We highly recommend you explore the application and do your mix and match experimenting, keeping track of options that might otherwise give you problems. If you should face a problem from enabling a tweak, disabling it should remedy the problem.

It is best you go one setting at a time and if you feel that it hasn’t or won’t have an impact on your system performance, feel free to carry on tinkering with the application since the tweaker itself is curated towards the entry level user base of Windows where instructions are crystal clear and what each tweak does has a simple explanation box below it to tell you the function or purpose of this tweak you about to allow or disallow.

If you wish to give the app a try, you can download it for free [Official Website] but you have to make sure you are on Windows 7 or above OS.

Do keep in mind that there are some settings which you should be careful in trifling with, if you are uncertain about what a certain tweak does, seek the advice of someone who can help you understand it.

If you have had previous run ins with this application, let us know in the comments section below and if there is any tweak which you want to see in the future update.

The post WinAero Tweaker: All-In-One Windows Tweaking Utility appeared first on Windows Clan.

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