Art & Design

World’s longest chocolate train enters Guinness record books

Sculpted by Maltese chocolate artist Andrew Farrugia, a 112-feet long train made entirely out of chocolate has been touted as the world’s longest chocolate sculpture by Guinness Book of World Records. On display at the railway station in Brussels, Belgium, the chocolate train that took Farrugia about 700 hours to construct, is made out of pure chocolate and weighs about 1,250kgs (approx. 3,000-pounds).

Length isn’t the only thing that makes the chocolate train stand out, the intricate details the artist has used to design the train makes it look impressively lifelike. The first seven wagons of the chocolate train are modeled after the new Belgium trains, while rest of the train draws inspiration from the old train wagons. Post his visit to the Belgian Chocolate Festival in Bruge last year, Farrugia was inspired to create a chocolate train – and boy has he built one! Hit the jump to see the video.

Via: WorldRecordAcademy


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