Art & Design

World’s first ever song that can be eaten right off the singer’s face

This folks is not a made-up thing for one of those sci-fi movies where the person turns into a half ugly creature from another planet, rather this is a biotechnology mask for feeding your songs into a chamber with special kind of algae that survives on carbon dioxide from human breath. As strange as it may sound and look, this collaborative project between artists Michiko Nitta and Michael Burton is called as the world’s first edible song because the algae are photosynthetic plant-like organisms which can be eaten. To show off the future prospect of this breed of algae as a potential source of food they arranged for a performance featuring mezzo-soprano Louise Ashcroft, where the singer gives the opera song performance and then later on the audience taste the song by eating the algae.

To enhance the taste of algae the song composition and singer’s vocal techniques are redesigned with new sonic enhancement science which makes the food bitter or sweet. The duo calls it Flaming Lips and if in the future you rely on music artists for your food needs then don’t be surprised one bit.

Via: ToneDeaf


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