
World’s first barrier free navigation system by Navevo for disabled users

Navevo INCLUSION barrier-free navigation system

In an effort to make life much more easy for disabled users who have to move around in a wheelchair, Navevo (UK’s navigation software specialists) and Thales Alenia Space (European leader in satellite systems) have teamed up to create the world’s first barrier-free navigation system. A huge leap over traditional satellite navigation devices, the system has positional accuracy of less than one meter allowing the users to commute easily on the crowded streets and paved roads. The barrier-free navigation system is backed by gold medalist paralympian Peter Norfolk and is a part of the INCLUSION project with co-funding from GSA under FP7 program.
The navigation system was demonstrated at the London European and Space Expo, and many well-known people including Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission, Magali Vaissiere, Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications of the European Space Agency, David Willets, the Minister of State for Universities and Science were present at the live demonstration.

# Stand-out features of Navevo barrier-free navigation system

• Turn-by-turn voice navigation and clear route planning

• Displays locations for on-street disabled parking bays, disabled access car parks and more

• Carer alert which the user can select for the type of assistance needed from service center

# According to Giovanni Guarino, INCLUSION Project Manager

We are proud to be in a unique position to be able to bring together Thales Alenia Space’s expertise in satellite navigation technologies and Navevo’s experience with navigation software development. We’re confident that this fruitful partnership and development of the ‘first ever’ barrier free navigation device will provide very real benefits for the mobility impaired, and following a successful demonstration look forward to an equally successful launch in the near future.

# Navevo CEO Nick Caesari added by saying

Our investment in the INCLUSION project, along with our partnership with Thales Alenia Space, demonstrates Navevo’s ongoing commitment to develop innovative navigation solutions for the disability sector. The live demonstration in London was an important step in raising awareness at the highest level of this type of technology for the mobility impaired and we look forward to making our barrier-free navigation system a reality for modern consumers in the very near future.


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