
World’s fastest elevator inside Hyundai Asan Tower takes you on a joy ride

As an installation of the Hyundai Asan Tower, the world class elevator test facility spanning a distance of 205.2 meters above the ground and 15 meters below, EL 1080 elevator has to be one of the fastest elevators on earth. It is like travelling from first floor to the 50th floor in mere 25 seconds courtesy an all new elevator technology. Testimony to that is the special report “Fastest on Earth” by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Spectrum’s radio program which clearly proves that the Hyundai Asan Tower has one of the fastest elevators there ever was.

Talking about this tower, once you reach the top there is an awe-inspiring 360 degree panoramic view of the city awaiting you, but because this tower is designed for test purposes only it is opened to visitors on limited bases only.

Via: WhoWired


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