
Warwick students to build fastest human-powered submarine ever

Warwick University student building human-powered submarine

Come European International Submarine Race 2014 and you could see a human-powered submarine competing to win the title. Yes, engineering students at the University of Warwick vision this and are building a human-powered submarine for the race scheduled to be held in Gasport England from July 7-11, 2014. With their sub, the HPS Shakespeare, the students are aiming to better the speed record of 8.08mph held presently (in the same genre) by a team from Montreal. The team at Warwick, undertaking the challenge to build the sub, includes students from across the globe and team supervisor Dr Ian Tuersley of WMG is pleased with the team’s progress thus far.

The Warwick students are working in tandem with student competitors from Bath University, they are learning from each other in order to build the winning submarine. For now, sponsorship and costing isn’t much of a worry for the students, but their main concern is to work out a way to put all the components together to develop the human-powered submarine, which is top notch in both maneuverability and speed.

Warwick University student building human-powered submarine


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