
View 3D content on iPhone 5 with Evergreen DN-84426 3D Movie Viewer

Do you love to view 3D content and wished it could be possible to view 3D content on iPhone 5, then you wishes have just come true. Evergreen has come up with its all new iPhone accessory called DN-84426 3D Movie Viewer which works with you iPhone 5 or iPhone 4/4S to display 3D image and video content seamlessly. Just like a pair of binoculars the iPhone 5/4/4S can be mounted onto it and then you can enjoy 3D content without any hitch with this 3D viewer. DN-84426 3D Movie Viewer weighs only 140 grams and measures 135x70x150 in width, height and depth respectively.






DN-84426 3D Movie Viewer is made from ABS resin material in a very smooth finish with a contoured design for maximum safety. You can also view Youtube videos with this 3D viewer as it is compatible with YT3D content in the cloud, which is a very good feature. Evergreen DN-84426 3D Movie Viewer is priced at 3,000 Yen (US$32) and you can purchase it by clicking here.


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