Art & Design

Venus – Standing female urination device for hygiene and comfort

Using unhygienic public toilets can be really dangerous for women as unsuspecting diseases keep lurking in these places. While urinating, coming in contact with infected toilet seat is a potent health risk and that is why Vema LLC has devised a new way to give women a portable hygine product so that they can urinate while standing up. Yes, you heard it right, there is no need for you to sit down and come in contact with potential health risks as Venus is here to give you that much craved freedom, where you are indoors or outdoors.

Venus is 100% recyclable and environmentally safe, as after one use you can throw it away for any kind of size or shape. So if you also want this new age standing urination device for $ 7.50 or less, head straight over to the product website.


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