
Vaporsens – Electronic dog nose for sniffing out explosives and narcotics

Vaporsens electronic dog nose for sniffing explosives and narcotics

An electronic explosive and drug sniffing gizmo that goes by the name Vaporsens is being developed by a start-up company called U which will make the job of law enforcement agencies a tad easier in the coming future. Ben Rollins, CEO and Cofounder of Vaporsens calls this new age device as an electronic dog nose which can sniff out suspicious odors no matter where the place or the kind of environment. The original creator of this nanosensor technology is Ling Zang who got a call from Department of Homeland Security and then later on was hired as Utah Science Technology and Research professor at the U. Much like the machines at the airport but a lot less small, Vaporsens has nanofibers (patent pending nanofiber sensors) making a web and function in the same way as a dog’s nose to detect the smell through a chip.






Vaporsens electronic dog nose for sniffing explosives and narcotics

Clearly this gadget is going to change the way law enforcement agencies carry out their operations for busting out anti-social blokes who want to stay one step ahead always. Vaporsens in a way gives more flexibility when it comes to detecting explosives and narcotics because sniffing dogs have certain limitations. For example they cannot work efficiently in hot weather and also have certain limitations on the sea.

Vaporsens electronic dog nose for sniffing explosives and narcotics

Combining this new technology with bomb-detecting robots and military-grade tablet makers is going to pay off in the long run and give a hard time anti-social elements who have figured out ways to go around the loop holes of the existing technology.

Via: Angel


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