Art & Design

Ultimate AR-15 Mall Tactical Zombie Destroyer assault rifle for zombie apocalypse

Zombie apocalypse is inevitable and people take it seriously so much that they have preemptive plans on how to avert it or take it head on. Zombie apocalypse could strike maybe 10 days later or may hit us all hundreds of years down the line but one thing is for sure, it will definitely be one hell of a nightmare.

Two shop owners Barry and Fred from Jonesboro, near Atlanta take this bizarre prophecy very seriously just like many other people who believe in zombie mania so they decided to create a weapon of their own to take on every dead meat coming their way.

Studded with 30-round magazines, four flashlights, three lasers and three separate sighting crosshairs to pick up blood drained walking dead from 100 to 300 yards away the zombie gun has it all.

Called more precisely as Ultimate AR-15 Mall Tactical Zombie Destroyer assault rifle, this weapon of choice for these two veterans will definitely have zombies running for their lives, well in a way.

Via: DailyMail/Walyou


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