
Thales ODICIS futuristic cockpit with multitouch screen display will minimize air distaters

World leader in cockpit systems, Thales has unveiled their revolutionary One Display for a cockpit Interactive Solution (ODICIS) at the Farnborough International Airshow2012. This new cockpit design will seamlessly make ground and air segments work in conjunction with each other to provide a very streamlined airline experience for its customers as well as military avionics platform. With complex demands of high profile programmes like SESAR and Clean Sky dictating the future prospects for airlines, Thales has developed this futuristic cockpit with full multi-touch screen technology to display all the relevant information on screen while minimizing the data needed to be handle by the airline crew.

The fully customizable touchscreen-based display concept ODICIS can be configured in various many ways to present information depending on the aircraft. The new crew-centric system in this cockpit design having human-system interfaces to aid the pilot in focusing on the job at hand, that is flying keeps every single little information in front of the screen for easy navigation. The cockpit includes 14D Intial 4D Trajectory for traffic sequence, D-Taxi representing the taxi paths, ASAS (Airborne Seperation Assistance Systems) to adjust aircraft speed and height according to other airplanes in the area and ECO Take-off for optimizing take-off or landing.

In short Thales One Display for a cockpit Interactive Solution will assist the crew in flying the airplanes with much more ease and avoid any airborne or other disasters in the future which all goes well for the aviation industry.

Via: 4-traders


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