
Tangible Textural Interface sound system with interactive touch surface for music delight

Music has always been the food for pleasure and relieving your senses into seventh heaven with sound as the main component. Taking things a notch higher in interactive touch technologies like the 3D printed interactive Soundscope MIDI controller, product designer Eun Hee Jo has come up with a new kind of sound system that responds to touch of the fabric. Tangible Textural Interface (TTI) is completely made out of fabric material unlike the conventional plastic or glass materials. All this is made possible with reactive technologies that enable any normal interface with new kind of functions and new possibilities making the surface as an integrated part of the product.

In the past we have seen 2D interfaces but Tangible Textural Interface (TTI) takes it to the 3D interface level where user can feel the response through controls and physical adapt of surface. One can control the functions like scanning through tracks, volume control and selecting the equalizer by inputting the gestures on the fabric surface.

The sound system itself changes the physical form of the fabric to deliver sound in tune with the equalizer genre. For example if you want to listen music in high bass mode the physical speaker output being made from flexible fabric will change the shape to deliver rich deep bass.

According to Eun this is just the beginning of tangible interfaces and touch surface which make the whole entertainment experience much enjoyable as the user is fully interactive with the physical elements of such systems.

Via: Psfk


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