Art & Design

Talking Prescription Label helps eliminate chances of taking wrong medicine

For people who are ill or on lots of medication there are chances that they might take the wrong medicine at the wrong hour of the day, simply because of absent mindedness or lack of ability to properly read the prescription label. This very problem affected Carl Williamson’s mom and due to bad vision took the wrong medication when Carl was not around to help her out. Hence came the idea in Carl’s mind to make Talking Prescription Label that could be programmed to tell people what’s inside the bottle, how much to take each time and how to take the medicine. The label can be programmed in any language and in any country.

Right now this project is up on IndiegoGo platform to raise $10,000 to push this prototype into production, so ones who are interested can jump right away to the website and check out more on what you’ll get for pledging a certain amount of money for the Talking Prescription Label project.


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