
Stylish silicone key cover KeyKeeper keeps key safe and easy to use

Made in the crazy world of gadgets and accessories –Japan, by Aoki Ryosaku, the KeyKeeper is a silicone key cover which is available in a selection of six colors and is the best way to keep the key safe and easy to use and carry. Often we tend to tear our pant pockets, and ladies manage to dig holes in your clutches with the keys, but all that could now be averted with this trendy keykeeper, which sells for only ¥ 500 (approx. $5). The silicon key ring is really soft and flexible, so it’s easy to grip and to keep the key safe, and the best thing – you don’t need to remove the key from the case (the keykeeper) at any time i.e. while locking and unlocking. Measuring 6.5 × 2.8cm in length and width and 0.55cm in thickness, the KeyKeeper only weigh 6.4 g, any takers?

Via: Assiston


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