
Student creates all wooden bike we’d love to see for real

The very awesome, all wooden Sman Cruiser bike was the most innovative bicycles we’d seen until today when we came across this really cool, all wooden bike from Yojiro Oshima of the Craft & Industrial Department at Musashino Art University in Tokyo. This 100% wooden bicycle, made entirely from hand as his final year project by Oshima, comes complete with wooden frame, wooden handlebars, wooden saddle and even wooden wheels – now, beat this? The wooden frame and the seat of the bike our finely customized to provide the rider with optimal level of comfort.

In order to create something really out of the future, Oshima experimented endlessly with various materials, before he came up with the final handlebar structure that comes with integrated armrests and tri spoke-style wheels (known as “baton” wheels ) with curved spokes to absorb impacts. There’s no word on anything more than the all wooden bike being only a prototype, but we’d really love to see this wooden bike realize soon.

Via: BicycleDesign/Inhabitat


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