
Stremio: Stream Movies, TV Shows, & TV Channels For Free

If you are the resident of a country where you don’t have access to premium channels for your favorite TV Shows, see how Stremio can remedy that problem by allowing free movie and TV show streaming.

Disclaimer: We do not endorse or support piracy or streaming content illegally. We wrote this blogpost for educational purposes only. Windows Clan does not recommend this app. Go ahead at your own risk!

There are a great number of TV Shows, Movies, and other media that aren’t otherwise available for people who are willing to pay for them but don’t have the option to. The best examples of this can be premium American / UK streaming services and their TV Shows such as Netflix, Amazon, etc. If you aren’t one for pirating torrents or free streaming on websites, Stremio can give you all the access you need to media you might have missed out on.

Stremio is a nifty application that is available on a all the major desktop OSes: Windows, Linux and Mac. It will surely get you hooked right from the first use, as it offers free streaming of TV shows, movies, TV channels, and YouTube channels that might otherwise be restricted to you because of geography.

Hailing from a country that is otherwise geo-restricted from great content such as Netflix, Pandora, etc. This is easily going to be a new favorite app for many ausers who are tired of waiting on torrents or other sources of downloads for their content.

Here is a brief look at the inventory offered by Stremio:

The selection of movies on Stremio

The TV Show selection on Stremio

As you can see, the library that it has to offer is expansive, no matter the needs you have. There is content here for any and every multi-media user, so there is always something new for everyone to discover and stream for free.

Note that while we haven’t directly linked to Stremio for the fact that the data it streams is illegal and copyrighted, you can always search for it on Google. It’s right there at the top.

What are your thoughts on the use of Stremio? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Stremio: Stream Movies, TV Shows, & TV Channels For Free appeared first on Windows Clan.

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