Art & Design

Squid Car changes colors to put forth a spectacular extravaganza

Squids have always known to be one of the most intelligent sea creatures with the ability to change their color in the blink of an eye and match the surrounding environment with skin pattern too. Now this has to be one of the most spectacular displays of nature’s glory that we can hardly imagine to mimic with same results. However a San Fransisco Bay Area based artist Ryon Gensink in association with Sean Orlando of Engineered Artworks has created a Squid Car that changes color with the beat of music played inside the car. Although not as upbeat as the nature’s science that squids also use it is eye candy for onlookers who are simply taken away by the performance.
The cuttlefish like color shifting of this tentacular squid art car is achieved by using a sophisticated LED lighting system which gives a very smooth transition effect of the color shifting. so have a look at some pictures followed by the live demonstration of Squid Car in action.

Via: LaughingSquid


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