Art & Design

Spray magic on poop to transform smell into floral aroma

Nobody has a poop that smells good, but at least in this technologically advanced product dominated age it isn’t impossible either. Benesse Corporation has launched a magic spray that turns poop smell into desirable smell of flowers. Called as “Spray Which Turns Poop Stink Into Floral Aroma” in Japan and in English as “Magic Spray” the name is too long and in a way hides the whole essence of surprise. Having said that, if it does the job of turning poop odor into that of floral quintessence; then it doesn’t even matter if the name is too long or short. Made primarily for use with dirty diapers, the spray comes in 200ml bottle costing 1480 Yen (US $19).

According to the creators of this product they used interesting methods from other such products and created one that has all the goodness and quality packed into one. Now the efficacy of this product will only be known once you use it on the most shitty poops but in all probability it surely works well, if it doesn’t, then you can use it as a room spray too.

Via: Excite/RocketNews


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