
Spherical Drive System electric motorcycle could be the future of two-wheeled commuting

In a perfect world we are accustomed to two wheelers that have circular wheels but group of students from Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering at San Jose State University are all set to change that notion. Giving more stability and maneuverability to the vehicle at top speeds too, this innovative Spherical Drive System is applicable to fully operational electric two wheeled vehicle. Made completely out of carbon fiber/fiberglass with coating of tough industrial rubber for excellent traction and force distribution, the drive system is excellent for any terrain or weather. The electric motorcycle is friction driven with help of three electric motors mounted slightly off center atop the spherical ball and this gives 360 degree freedom for rotation in any direction.

To get over the issue of spin in any direction while driving at more than normal speeds, the team of students plans to use computer control system with the help of gyro-accelerometer to detect the movement needed to keep proper balance in proper direction. The project is still in works and overtime we expect to see even more tweaking done to the Spherical Drive System to achieve a perfect balance of stable and highly maneuverable driving on city streets as well as rugged roads.

Via: TheKneeSlider


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