
Smartphone controlled MUV-e electric scooter folds to become a suitcase

MUV-e electric scooter is smartphone controlled

If you’re a commuter like me, who faces the daily toil of getting to work through traffic snarls, you’ll be really happy to hear about a new urban transportation device from Israel. The portable MUV-e is an all-electric scooter, which is developed by inventor and automobile designer Amir Zaid in collaboration with 3D design software company Autodesk. The MUV-e electric scooter is different from Segway and other mobile scooters because the MUV-e is ultra portable and can be folded to the size of a small suitcase trolley with handle.

The quick to fold and easy to use three-wheeled MUV-e electric scooter weighs 25 to 30 pounds depending on the model, and can run for about 10 miles on a single charge. The scooter is powered by electricity and can be recharged from any regular power outlet at home or office.

What makes the MUV-e electric scooter sophisticated is its attractive price $2,000 and its high-tech features (besides the regular mobile scooter). The MUV-e can connect with a smartphone, which can be used to control the folding and opening of the potable scooter and sitting on the handlebar it can act as the scooter’s speedometer and navigator.


MUV-e-electric-scooter for $2000

MUV-e-electric-scooter by Amir Zaid

Via: Israel21c


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