
Smart basketball with motion sensors to improve your skills

94Fifty sensor basketball by InfoMotion Sports Technologies

InfoMotion Sports Technologies has come up with the world’s first smart basketball that provides real-time data on the skills of handler thereby improving the game drastically. Equipped with 6 internal motion sensors that evaluate the handling of basketball, this innovate 94Fifty Sensor Basketball captures 6,000 points data in one second. The data collected includes the dribbling force induced, shooting skills, backspin, short speed and the consistency of the dribbler with the ball. All this information is then send to your iOS or Android smartphone via an app that has various insights on how the skills can be improved or the key skills that can be developed more to improve play.
94Fifty sensor basketball by InfoMotion Sports Technologies

Interestingly basketball players and teams are using this intuitive product for their training sessions and according to them the system looks good and has also improved their game in a short period of time. All this is due to the integrated technology that allows a player to sharpen their skills by visualizing the virtual play. A player can select various skills, head-to-head competitions and focus on key weaknesses with the 50 different competition choices, skill-based leveling workout, QuickTrain ball-handling and more; so that they can improve them overtime.

94Fifty sensor basketball by InfoMotion Sports Technologies

The basketball has Bluetooth radio and battery positioned in a holder and a counterbalance is used to minimize any unwanted vibration and increase performance. 94Fifty Sensor Basketball system is wirelessly recharged and has 8 hours of battery life while the 90 feet range from the handheld system means that a player or coach can analyze the data in real-time.

94Fifty sensor basketball by InfoMotion Sports Technologies

Coming onto the app, after downloading it and bouncing the ball for three to four times it is connected to the smartphone and thereafter the player or coach can get real-time data on the vital statistics.





94Fifty sensor basketball will be available in April 2013 for an estimated price of $295 and before that it will be up on Kickstarter anytime this month. Till then keep tuned in and we’ll update all you basketball freaks on this amazing game improving smart basketball.

# 94Fifty basketball introduction:

# 94Fifty basketball ball handling

# 94Fifty basketball shooting

Via: InfoMotionSports/ESPN


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