Microsoft just rolled out another Redstone build only moments ago. Insider Preview 14295 has plenty to bring to the table while addressing issues with the Xbox App, rogue video game controllers and Microsoft Edge.
Update: Microsoft has also released this to Windows Insiders on the slow ring on Wednesday, March 30th, 2016. You can download the ISO from the Windows Insider portal.
With each passing Insider Preview, we steadily get closer to the much anticipated Redstone build for current desktop users and see a revamp to the entire Windows 10 experience! Let’s find out what Build 14295 has in store for us.
It was only a week ago where we saw the release of Insider Preview Build 14291 bring about a plethora of much needed changes to the Windows 10 experience, especially to Microsoft Edge.
While Build 14295 doesn’t come with any bells and whistles, it certainly does fix a lot of issues that were present in the previous build(s).
What Build 14295 has fixed:
- Fix for Xbox One / Xbox 360 controllers and other controllers causing desktops to freeze.
- Fix for an issue that prevented the Xbox app and other related apps from signing in.
- Fixed an issue where Microsoft Edge would refresh the tab if caps lock was pressed while in a password field.
- Fixed issues with Kaspersky software(s) not working properly.
What issues are present in Build 14295:
- Narrator / screen reading apps unable to read menu options in the feedback hub, Cortana and other apps.
- Users of Hyper-V and who also use Virtual Switch for their network adapters, might see an error indicator denoted by a red colored X in the notification area of the taskbar. This is a false-positive error, your network adapter is working properly.
- PC’s with TPM chips such as the ASUS Zenbook UX31, might experience problems with audio or irregular movement when trying to use the trackpad. This is due to “tpm-mainenance” task being constantly present in the background instead of running once per boot up like its supposed to. To fix this, you can disable the tpm-maintenance task in Task Scheduler (under microsoftwindowstpm).
- Users who sign into the desktop with the help of Windows Hello or a PIN code will launch the Microsoft Passport Service. This will cause your system to continuously scan for other bluetooth devices. This can lead to decreased battery life, audio glitches, feedback issues with Bluetooth Keyboard or mice, irregular Wi-Fi functioning on chipsets that are a hybrid of Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, decreased speeds in Bluetooth transfers. To remedy this you can disable the Microsoft Passport (NgcSvc) service by opening an elevated command prompt menu and typing the following command: reg add HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesNgcSvc /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x4 /f
Follow the above command with a reboot to fix the issue, but this will also disable your ability to sign into Windows with Windows Hello or the PIN. This issue will be resolved in the next build.
- If you are directly upgrading from 14291, you might face problems in connecting to the Miracast receiver as the connection will fix this navigate to the following registry key.
In here select “StandaloneDhcpAddress” and change the values from “” to “” (value type is REG_SZ)
You can now retry connecting to the Miracast receiver without any errors.
- There are reports of certain apps crashing, this is being looked into and might impact older versions of apps such as Expression Encoder 4 and Windows Live Mail.
As you can see, the latest insider build has fixed plenty of issues in previous build and will continue to implement fixes in the upcoming builds. Hopefully, all these builds will lead to us having a trouble free launch of Redstone when it releases later this year.
While this Insider Build didn’t really bring as much to the table as its predecessor did, we can only hope that we eventually get closer to the commercial release of the Redstone build for desktop users once all the bugs have been squashed.
Insider Preview Build 14295 is readily available to Windows 10 mobile and desktop developers who are in the fast ring, you can read more about the build by going to the Official Windows Blog mentioned at the end of the article.
If you are a developer or are currently using the builds, let us know in the comments section regarding your thoughts about the latest preview build and whether it has increased your excitement for seeing Redstone make its way to desktops later this year!
(Via Windows Blog)
The post Redstone Insider Preview Build 14295: What’s New, Fixed & Known Issues appeared first on Windows Clan.