
Phoenix medical rescue helicopter can land in almost any terrain

Rescue operations in life-threatening situations are a tough task especially when rescue needs to be carried off from unapproachable areas. This is when rescue helicopters are required which can reach places regardless of impediments like traffic jams, geographical barriers etc., but the rescue helicopters today become ineffective because of their inability to land in difficult terrains. Enter Phoenix medical rescue helicopter designed for the James Dyson Awards with intelligent 3 point landing gear that allows the helicopter to land in all types of terrains thus saving time in critical rescue operations.

The eco-friendly helicopter is designed in lightweight hybrid engine with electric motor which allows the Phoenix to take off and land silently. The interior of the helicopter has seats one behind the other for pilots and patients along with an examination table patients and movable seat for the doctor, making the helicopter really compact for rescue needs. The Phoenix with fine aerodynamics, energy efficiency and power features a NOTAR anti-torque system instead of the tail rotor to make more space to load the patient in an upright position.

Via: JamesDysonAward


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