Art & Design

My Oh My a huge Boombox made from cardboard powered by Mini Cooper

Designed and built by Bartek Elsner, Berlin based multi-disciplinary designer with expertise in digital communication and interaction, this Mini GhettoBlaster is a humungous boombox made from cardboard. Made specially for Mlni Schweiz (Mini Cooper dealer) for the International Radio Festival 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland it is a true work of art put forth. The power for this functional boombox comes from the Mini Cooper itself via the battery and the huge frame of this boombox hides the car well behind it.

Clearly it is used as a potent promotional tool for the Mini Cooper and what a way to showcase the power under the hood. Have a look at the pictures and enjoy this bloated up music player which inspires design cues for any such future undertakings.

Via: Gizmodo


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