
MBPV bulletproof vehicle won’t win any chicks but will ward-off any bullets coming your way

Looking more like a mailbox or a resurgent bug this Tata MBPV concept car revealed at the DEFEXPO in New Delhi has more to it than the ugly looks. It can save you in crowded city streets from bullets and grenades in a close combat battle because of the unique angular design. High maneuverability and mobility in constricted spaces is its forte as it can climb stairs and being an all four wheel drive vehicle you can bet on its agility when taking on tough terrain too.

Developed specifically for battle situations the vehicle can be highly agile in a close combat situation or hostage scenarios where time is of the essence. Weighing only 2,425 pounds MBPV micro-bullet proof vehicle has several portholes to dominate the situation by annihilating the enemy in question. But the speed is bit of a downer here as it can only top off 20 Km/hr. which would be a clear disadvantage in case of an ambush from the enemy.

Via: Treehugger/TheAtlanticCities


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