
Legonardo: Lego robot that paints the canvas like a real artist

Legonardo lego robot that paints

Inspired by the 18th Century Swiss watch and automata creators Pierre Jacquet-Droz and Henri Maillardet, this Lego avatar of Leonardo Da Vinci draws sketches on paper without much fuzz. Propping up from the brain of seasoned robot maker from Italy, Daniele Benedettelli, this robotic sketch artist make from Lego bricks and actuated by Lego Mindstorms NXT is clearly a work of art in itself. Daniele named it Legonardo, which I assume is a term that portrays the love of Lego and Leonardo the legendary artist himself.
Legonardo lego robot that paints

Now the drawings that the automaton Lego robot puts on paper are initiated by custom software that Daniele made himself and as you can see from the video given below, it does a pretty neat job of putting ink to paper. Truly speaking this is a nice refreshing mix of two things most geeks love, Legos and robots. I’m honestly impressed by this niche creation, are you?

# Legonardo in action

# How Legonardo came to life

Via: Gizmodo


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