
Jet Reaction bike powered by massive helicopter engine all set to break land speed record

We could soon be seeing the world motorcycle land-speed record come tumbling down as Richard Brown looks to hit the tarmac with the mind numbing speeds of almost 425 mph (680 km/h). this dare devil from Britain will take on this amazing feat helped by researchers at the University of Huddersfield who will make sure that his motorcycle called Jet Reaction bike, powered by a powerful afterburner jet based on a 1250 HP helicopter engine. To analyze and fine tune the effects of high speeds and overall motion on this jet-powered two-wheeler, researchers decided to take expert help from Professor Rakesh Mishra (Computational Fluid Dynamics specialist). PhD researcher Taimoor Asim was appointed by Rakesh to work on this project, who then carried detailed aerodynamic analysis of this monster two wheeler.

With three months of in-depth analysis on what different environmental condition would have on the air flow at such high speeds, Richard Brown fine-tuned the overall design with an elongated frame having specially crafted nose cone. According to Taimoor, this task was completed with the help of 12-core computers which collected valuable data on what the effects of such high speeds would be on the overall movement of this two wheeler. Now the Jet Reaction Bike is almost in its final stages of completion with the body work and other important components installed, so keep a watch as this bike looks to set a new land speed record.

Rendered 3D CAD drawings of final design

Helicopter engine used for the Jet Reaction bike

# Experts view on Jet Reaction bike set to break land speed record


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