
James Bond flown BD-5 plane transformed into world’s smallest jet

There is no one in Oklahoma City who isn’t familiar with Justin Lewis; the ace pilot after years of experience is now in collaboration with BD Micro Technologies working on revamping the BD-5 plane that been heart of many air shows or you’d better remember from James Bond’s Octopussy. The original BD-5 by Jim Bede of Bede Aircraft has now been upgraded and transformed into FLS Microjet, which is billed as the “World’s Smallest Jet”. The FLS Microjet comes with both structural and system improvement and a glass cockpit decked up in modern style with intelligent engine within.

BD-5, a build it yourself airplane now living as the FLS Microjet is an eye catcher wherever it is, it is so small, so unique that everyone wants to have a sight of it to see that such a thing actually exists. There are four of these ultra-mini jets in flight around the world out of which Lewis owns one. The tiny little FLS Microjet weighs in at 416 pounds without fuel and pilot and can fly at about 320 miles per hour, which is awesome for the size of this single seater jet. The FLS Microjet also comes in a build-it-yourself kit that’ll set you back $180,000. Hit the jump to see the video for a better view.

Via: News9


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