
Intelligent SavvyBot humanoid robot wants to be your friend on Facebook

Got bored with your usual Facebook friends and want something new in your life, then it is high time you watch out for a friend request from a robot. Meet SavvyBot, the Social HRI (Human Robot Interaction) Robot software for NAO humanoid robot, an interactive humanoid robot that attempts to be more than just casual friends with you by accessing your social networking profile information from the social network and web. Manufactured by Aldebaran Robotics, this new socially interactive robotic humanoid is developed by RoboSavvy team headed in London by Nuno Gato utilizes everything online to build an understandable profile of the person so that it can cater to a particular person in a manner they would like it to be.

The robot uses online services like chatterbot, face recognition, business card OCR, social networks, news, business intelligence, text mining, text/video/music search etc. making it capable to learn about person’s likes and dislikes. As you can see from the video below SavvyBot tries to recognize passing by people and offering them to become friends on Facebook, thereafter it analyses all your data available and tires to be your best friend forever. Based on all this analysis the robot can perform a list of activities including dance to the person’s favorite tune or present relevant news based on their likes. The main goal behind this project is to install SavvyBot in places like reception of a hotel or information desk to enrich the visitors experience with aid from HRI.

Via: NewScientist/WearerRobots


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