
Inside Tracker is human dashboard for keeping track of vital body functions

Just like the dashboard indicators of your car give vital signals about the overall condition of the mechanics inside, there is now a similar kind of dashboard for your body that will indicate the health in real time. Inside Tracker is a service which provides you with the ability to track all the vital functions of your body so as to take the requisite steps in case something is not in place. For example if you are running low on vitamin E, iron, sodium or magnesium levels it will directly be indicated in your human dashboard interface.

The main goal of Inside Tracker is to provide us with something that keeps in check all the vital functions of the body and take preemptive measures to solve them before they get out of hand and bloat into a precarious ailment. This way one can live longer and enjoy life even more according to Dr. Gil Blander, President and Chief Science officer of Segterra, the developers of Inside Tracker.

Via: Discovery


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