
Iameco is a environmentally friendly computer made from wood and has 70% less carbon footprint

Personal computers and laptops might be the next best thing you would want on a lonely island stranded in the middle of nowhere, but they are harmful to the environment due to small signature of CO2 emissions. Keeping this in mind personnel at MicroPro (Irish company) in association with pals at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM in Berlin have built a wooden computer called “iameco” which has minimal environmental impact and it has received the EU Ecolabel by the European Union’s environmental label. The touchscreen PC consumes very less energy as compared to conventional computers right from the production stage to the recycling one.

Carbon footprint of this eco-computer is less than 360 kilograms CO2eq, which is 70 percent less than that of a normal PC and the type of materials used in production are 98 percent recyclable such as the wooden frame. To solve the issue of excess heat production iameco uses heat sinks which conduct the heat of processor via copper tubes called heat pipes. For the lighting to illuminate screen LED’s are used and there are halogenated flame retardants with far less chemicals for environmentally-friendly aesthetics.

If you are wondering what about the upgrading aspect of this eco-PC, then you need not worry as iameco is retrofitted with standard components just in case you need to increase internal memory or disassemble the PC in case of a crash or some other anomaly that might come up.
Via: Fraunhofer


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