Art & Design

Highly detailed Star Trek-themed home theater is what you always wanted

We are no strangers to themed decor. Galactic themed rooms often get us geeked up each time they pop up onto the scene. And this Star Trek-themed home theater is no different. We’ve previously shown you an incredible Batman inspired motel room and a $5.7 million home’s awesome Star Wars themed bedroom, but to match a geek’s dream, detailing is the most vital. This is perhaps where the highly-detailed Star Trek themed home theater walks away with the Galaxy.

This entire Star Trek themed architecture seems real but out of this world, mainly because everything is so minutely detailed that the guest will surely be sent into a slumber of satisfaction and galactic awe. The theater with seating capacity for nine has wonderfully decked out seats with 15-inch touchscreens, for full control, and information panels with concealed media storage with space for thousands of CDs. For a total theater experience here are included, motorized sliding doors, concert-type lighting and commercial-level HVAC, and it is still for a typical homeowner. Gosh! Designer ESC, you’ve got to be kidding me!

Via: GeekTryant/Technabob


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