
Hall of the future will adapt to sound of each performer during performance

We’ve come a long way into a world of acoustics where sound isn’t a mere symbol of noise per se. The large theaters and halls have always been about the sound quality the speakers and other audio installations therein could deliver, and even today nothing seems changed. To live up to this, Design firm RVTR has swung the architectural acoustics a 360 degree with their system to transform roofs that can adjust with sound and transform themselves to gel with the audio – the idea is to provide an idealistic stop venue for all possible range of music and art performances and audience configurations.

The system by RVTR is a blend of three triangle panels suspended from a track and driven by motors to change position on command. The panels are – one made of bamboo plywood to reflect sound, the other with porous polypropylene to absorb sound and the 3rd an empty panel that’s stuffed with a speaker to completing the origami. These compensating panels combine to create strategic structures that change themselves to adapt to the style of the audio. RVTR visions a prototype with a purpose if a 1,000-square-foot installation of the same – now that’s the future of audible entertainment!

Via: TheCreatersProject/FastcoDesign


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