
Futuristic bus stop with electronic bus stop board to keep easy track of information

A few days ago futuristic looking bus stop in trial bases was inaugurated in Haicang District near the TOO Aluohai City Plaza with the bus stop board on the back side of bus station unlike other conventional bus stop boards so that people don’t have to go round for seeking information on the bus line and then go back to check if the bus has arrived or not. The bus stop also has electronic stop board for displaying information regarding the bus lines at a time which is dynamic and changes according to the change in route of bus. The most interesting feature of this electronic laden bus top is that you can keep a track of the distance a particular bus is away from the bus stop.
The bus stop has specially designed wooden chairs to keep in tune with eco-friendly theme and let’s hope that many such bus stops will be installed around the world too to make it easy for people to keep track of their bus routes. The only problem right now in adoption of such bus stop designs is the power consumption so solar powered or other sustainable sources of energy could come handy for such installations.

Via: WhatsOnXiamen


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