Art & Design

Free running + Rube Goldberg machine powered by human= heart-stopping performance

Free-running is a sport that only a few can think of taking of due to the huge risks involved of shattering bones or having a permanent injury for life. But that doesn’t deter the adrenaline junkies from going for broke and pushing the limits to an extent that it literally stops your heartbeat once you see those breathtaking stunts. Now raising the bar a notch higher by combining cool free-running tricks and synchronized domino tumbling effect like consecutive actions, the human-powered Rube Goldberg machine shows what the next level of free running is.

Just any conventional Rube Goldberg machine performs simple tasks in an interesting complex manner this performance takes a new twist on the classic machine. Watch the video below which shows free runner Jason Paul put forth and amazing performance coupled up with even better creative thinking by Red Bull.

Via: CbsNews


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