
Flexible four-limbed crawling robot changes colors, becomes invisible to the eye

Robots that crawl around like snakes or fly around as birds aren’t new; we have actually reached a stage in robotics where animals, birds or insects-inspired robots have become a common site. Scientists at Harvard University are stretching their knowledge of these robots by creating a crawling robot that can change color to blend in the environment. The scientists have developed a four-limbed flexible robot from elastic plastic and silicone rubber which can crawl with compressed air flowing in and out through tubes tethered in its limbs.

The flexible robot presently controlled by a human operator has been added with an outer layer of capillaries through which dye is pumped in and out (like the compressed air to crawl) to change colors. The dye emits light via a chemical reaction to hit the right color combinations with which the robot can effectively camouflage itself like an octopus or a firefly. Besides changing color of dye, the temperature of the dye can also be controlled, which makes the bot invisible to naked eye but is visible in infrared.

The soft robot that glows in the dark, can camouflage and disappear to the eye could be a revelation in surveillance and military activities once made autonomous.

Via: CSMonitor


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