
Enjoy handheld gaming on your smartphone and tablet with Scratch Tracks IMIXID G-RIPPER case

One of the probable reasons why iPhone and iPad are a big hit with geek audience is the ability to render high quality games that would give even desktop gaming a run for the money. If you are one of those blokes who likes to play unattended games on your iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone then Scratch Tracks has got just the right product for you. IMIXID G-RIPPER case to be launched in the month of April has been designed specially keeping in mind the gaming habits of people who just can’t resist the fun. With a very cool ergonomic and comfortable design the case also offers protection in case the gadget falls out of hand. You can use it for iPhone 5, iPad, Android smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and many more. This in a way brings handheld gaming to your smartphone and tablet.

The ribbed combed structure protects the device in case it slips from your hand and the case design allows for natural responsive gaming that otherwise may not be possible on such devices. The IMIXID G-RIPPER case will come in a wide variety of color options, somewhat similar to the original 70’s Sci-Fi color schemes. According to news reports the price will be around $20-$30 and will be available at Scratch Tracks.


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