Art & Design

Electrified snail will power future bioelectronics devices

After seeing the biofuels implanted in some of the animals like cockroaches, rats and rabbits my stern belief was that it is going to end, but you know technological innovation amaze us all. World’s first electrified snail has joined the band-wagon for the development of army that is going to power future unmanned spy devices. Retrieving energy from the natural sugar of their body and inserting two small holes to make space for high-tech electrodes made from compressed carbon nanotubes prepares these snails for the drill.

Installed with the biofuel cell these snails now act as power source for bioelectronics devices as the electrodes coated with highly conductive enzymes start a chemical reaction, thereby producing electric current. The scientists say that this is a natural process and won’t hurt the snail, as they managed to implant the snail with biofuel cell and wander around for months without any hassle.

Via: RDMag/CuttingEdgeNews


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