
Controlling RC truck with Sega Rally Championship racing arcade machine!

At Portuguese hackathon Codebits one hack mod that took everyone by surprise was the one by Artica. Having hacked Sega Rally racing arcade cabinets into ones that are used to control RC trucks with tinkering of the circuit boards, use of Arduino boards, XBee RF module and of course the good old Raspberry Pi circuit too. The ultimate aim was to control the RC trucks not using the lame old controllers but by seeing the video feed from the onboard cameras and providing the inputs via steering, gear shift, brake pedal, clutch pedal and accelerator pedal on the Sega Rally cabinet. The idea was proposed by Artica geeks to Sapo Codebits and no doubt this idea rang the bells for Celso martinho from Sapo who was excited about this new kind of functionality.

The RC truck had to be modified with cameras and the receiver to catch the input from the Sega Rally Championship cabinet which was all done by the Arduino controllers. The user can choose which camera (front and upper camera) feed he/she wants to drive the RC truck with, just like one switches to different camera views during simulated races in games like NFS or Dirt. The project was a huge success and to learn more about all the technical details and nifty changes to the original Sega Rally Championship arcade machine jump straight over to Artica.

# Controlling RC truck with Sega Rally Championship racing rig

Via: Gizmag


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