
CES 2013: iPhone 5 and iPad compatible Artiphon Instrument 1 is a real treat for music fanatics

The present world could be defined as a tech savvy entity in totality that breathes technology and exhales radical technological updates every day. You visualize an improvement to the existing version of a product today and there comes the advancement the following day. However, most of the innovations or improved versions, do not find much of the ground later on. Similarly, there are many applications available for iOS devices in the market, aimed at guitarists and often at a price suitable to your pocket. Then what could be the reason for their debacle? The understandable rationale is the “under-delivery” on the quality front. However, the latest development in the iOS accessories backed musical instrument line; Artiphon Instrument 1 is a treat in itself for the guitarists. Artiphon has introduced this stunning masterpiece (Instrument 1), carved out of hardwood and bamboo especially designed for the iPhone 5, iPad and iPod Touch. Guess what? It is priced at US$ 800 though the order for booking would start in the spring of 2013.






As we venture deep into its inner design and acknowledge other intricacies we observe that adjacent to the slot for iPhone there are six virtual force-sensitive frets, strings and a strum section supported by a rechargeable battery. The best part of the deal is that it could be played as a guitar, bass, violin and what not. Strumming was never so easy earlier and you would buy my supposition after you possess Artiphon Instrument 1 in your kitty.

Guitarists would surely recognize the fact that the powerful stereo-speakers and 30 watt amp are unmatched among all the contemporaries at present. It is attuned with any Core MIDI enabled iOS application. You could invite other guitarists from your band to your home and begin recording your creations instantaneously with an active support from PC (of course USB involved).Though its features are innumerable but it is important to know that Artiphon also works on its own I OS application for the Instrument 1 too. Therefore, days are bound to be more colorful for the guitarists in the time to come.


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