
CES 2013: Cookoo Smart watch informs you when your smartphone rings

Cellphones have taken away the need of watches and almost turned them into mere showpieces across the world. Gone are the days when the daily routine seemed incomplete without a touch of our beautiful traditional watch on the back of wrist. However their features were limited and apart from regular time-telling functions they solved no other purpose. In fact, the only memory associated with our first watch is that they were gifted to us in form of a present by our close family member and in terms of features they had nothing to feel good about.






Nevertheless, an innovation finds its place in the watch market in this week’s International CES electronics trade show in Las Vegas. In short, a true “smart” watch named Cookoo designed by Hauser and manufactured by ConnecteDevice Ltd. has finally arrived on the scene.

What makes Cookoo so special?

The answer is everything. The best part is that it runs for a year on a regular button cell. It works on a low energy flavor of Bluetooth; 4.0. Isn’t it worth a cheer? Of course it is and the market price is only $130. It is truly a smart watch that could talk to your smartphone and complements your other prized possession equally. It surely displays time in the traditional way using analog hands and its numerous digital indicators are impelled by Bluetooth signals from the smartphone.






Does it really talk?

Yes, it does and does very smartly. The watch could talk to your latest iPhone in a way even you would not have anticipated and could also be utilized as a remote for the camera. Isn’t it great?

It lets you know that someone is calling through means of beeps and vibration motor and also keeps you updated about new e-mail dropped on your account. Therefore, the problem of untracked missed call is over and you would not be humiliated again in front of your girl friend for not replying to her calls.Though, it is compatible with devices of Apple only but it is the right time to get into act and let the watch talk for you.


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