
Bullet-proof backpacks and vests to safeguard children from mad shooting spree

Life will never be the same for families of Sandy Hook Elementary school children and employees that were victims of the mad spree of shooting in Connecticut. Such acts of heinous behavior have also plagued us in the past and to put it all to an end and prevent any causality in the future Miguel Caballero (Colombian businessman specializing in making bullet-proof products) has created bullet-proof vests bundled with bullet-proof backpacks. The design of these backpacks and vests has been tested against most lethal modern day weapon like shotgun or handguns to make sure that innocent children are protected from any such mayhem.

The company has received orders for 24 vests already from U.S. schools and according to Miguel it is a delicate subject and should be handled with care. To test the design he shoots his own employees from close range because he has so much confidence in his products.

According to Miguel

I have spoken to the doctor of my kids about trauma impact. The body of kids is totally different and that’s why we’re developing a solution for children age eight to 16. People wanted these items for their children but I thought, kids don’t need this protection. After Connecticut, I see that we need a solution for kids. We started getting e-mails from customers asking for protective clothing because they were afraid to take their kids to school.

Via: NbcLatino


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