
Bang & Olufsen Playmaker wireless sound system streams digital music from any device

So are you not satisfied with your home digital music system that seizes to amaze you even with the most likeable music compositions? Then it’s high time you get the new Playmaker sound system which enhances your listening experience for home digital audio lending it a new depth, intensity and precision honed by the pioneers of audio system Bang & Olufsen. Designed by Torsten Valeur and David Lewis Designers, Bang & Olufsen Playmaker music streaming device solution for your home is the perfect way to enjoy crystal clear music with deep soulful bass and perfect tones.

With capability to stream music from any smartphone, tablet, Mac, PC or media server across Airplay, NAS or DLNA the Playmaker is in true sense a home digital audio delight for your ears. The ability to stream different music in different sections of your home the wireless digital audio streaming device allows you to enjoy music in the way you always wanted to. Connecting with music apps on iTunes, Spotify or radio stations is a cake walk with Playmaker as it fills your space with ear pleasing sound seamlessly.

Playmaker has been tested with bang & Olufsen’s, The Cube room sound system testing facility which allows them to test purity of speaker’s without any distraction from floor, celling or walls. It has been tested with all the previous Bang & Olufsen speakers so if you already have them, Playmaker should be on your prime shopping list.


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