Art & Design

Bagger Electric Cruiser: Very motorbike-style cycle to make a stylish statement

There are very rear occasions when I am unable to figure out if it’s a cycle or a motorbike – perhaps there’s never been any such occasion before I came across the Bagger Electric Cruiser Bike. From the house of Vintage60, the Bagger Electric Cruiser Bike is an outright surprise at the first glance, not just for what how it looks, but more for what it is! Carrying legacy of the old chrome-laden bikes, the Bagger bike has a low slung style with a laid back riding position for a much relaxed cruising experience.
The Bagger comes with 36V single phase and 48V three phase motors, has wide balloon tires and for all the fun, it can run @ 15mph on an efficiency of 12-15 mile per charge. The bike can be ordered for £2,000 (about $3200) and can also be bought in a pedal only version for a much lower price of course. Thus, if you’ve always wanted to floor all your motorbiker friends’ – here’s your chance with the jaw dropping Bagger Electric Cruiser Bike that require no license and helmet to ride. So what are you waiting for?

Via: Vintage60X


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