
Augmented reality bulb morphs any surface into interactive touchscreen

It’s not uncommon to see computers in small form factors shoved inside frames you never thought would be possible a decade ago. This one is truly out of the box as it turns a light bulb socket with a camera and projector into a simple touch screen on a desk or table. Natan Linder and his colleagues at MIT’s Media Lab have created LuminAR device which can project interactive images on any surface and amazingly as you put your finger on any element within those images it becomes an input for the computing interface, altering the function of a surface or object. Using a camera, projector and software the objects are recognized and imagery projected around them.
It also functions as a scanner and can be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and things like object recognition rely partly on software running on remote cloud server. The current prototype of LuminAR is built using a Qualcomm Snapdragon series processor and further developments could result in much improved versions.

Via: TechnologyReview


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