
AKKA Ski Retriever locates lost skis in deep snow wirelessly

For a pro skier and a novice alike, nothing gets better than speeding down hill after a fresh fall. Only thing that looms on the mind of a skier is a crash. Not because the skier may hurt him/herself, but because finding the gear in fresh powder can be a daunting task. Now, A Kickstarter project for AKKA Ski Retriever – a deep powder ski finder visions to minimize your effort to find your skis and other gear covered in snow. The Ski Retriever comprises of a credit card-sized handheld device with OLED disply and durable, cold-weather adhesive tags. The tags are attached to the skis or other gear and are paired with the handheld. The handheld receives feedback audibly and visually and can easily locate your gear for you.

The tags of the Ski Retriever are powered by a lithium coin cell battery with 3 to 4 months of backup. The AKKA Ski Retriever can also be helpful in case of an avalanche as can work from under a few feet of snow up to hundreds of feet away. By making a pledge of $150 on Kickstarter you can pre-order the AKKA Ski Retriever comprising a handheld device and two tags (which will cost $199 once the Ski Retriever is marketed). Hit the jump to see the video.

Via: PP


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