Art & Design

1879 Bayle Palm Pistol with double action trigger mechanism finally spotted

Normally you would use knuckles to knock out some teeth in case things get really bad, but firing from a knuckle is out of the ordinary. A rare pistol has been found out in cloud called Bayle Palm Pistol which resembles the make of a knuckle but a little elongated and loaded with 6-barrel bullet housing to knock more than your teeth out. The double action handgun can fire 6 centerfire 5mm rounds and the rod hooked into the handle is used for loading the rounds. The barrels are placed vertically and the double trigger action mechanism fires those rounds one at a time. Amazingly the pistol was first spotted in the year 1879 in France when Frenchman Charles Baylè patented the design and after such a long time now again unearthed like a phoenix. So have a look at it in the pictures and enjoy.

Via: AcidCow


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