Art & Design

Electric lightning performance that will send chills down your spine

It is not advised at any point in your life to play with high voltage current but some people think exactly opposite and cross the humanly possible limits for taking danger to the next level. Wang Hongbin is one such bloke who plays guitar but with a difference that he does it with high voltage of 1 million volts produced by a Tesla coil transformer running through his body. This dangerous stunt was performed in his home (Zhenping village of Heshang county) backyard on July 21 and it surely was eye-popping. Wang’s uncle Wang Zengxiang has been also doing similar kind of stuff for a decade now and now being the leader of band of four he helped out Hongbin in building the Tesla coil for this feat.

The transformer produces high voltage at high frequencies thereby producing long bolts of electricity and the only protection Wang has against being roasted alive is the protective clothing which passes the current through the current. The protective clothing is debugged before the performance to make sure there is no mishap and Wang’s friends help him out in that. At the end of this amazing performance Wang Hongbin opens his arms as the electric blots smear through his body.

Via: ChinaDaily


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