Art & Design

Orvillecopter- Dead cat’s ninth life turns out be a remote controlled flying helicopter

Talking about bizarre and out of the world stuff, we could not have found much better, or should I say worse when considered in hind-side. Meet Orville, the dead cat that seems to be flying high above the ground after being squashed over by a runaway car. This after death transformation looks and sounds utterly weird but for the cat’s owner it is a tribute to their much loved better half of the family. Dutchman Bart Jansen is the owner of unfortunate dead cat which now function as a remote controlled helicopter for delight of the onlookers.

Bart named this surprising form factor (I don’t know what else to denote it with) as Orvillecopter which is now on display at the Kunstrai Art festival in Amsterdam. According to Bart after much mourning and lone spell after Orville’s death, the cat received his propellers subsequently. He added by promising that the cat will have beefed up engines and larger propellers for his birthday for much better flight and stability.

Now this is as astounding and different as it seems and to many it will surely be unethical but Bart doesn’t seem to be purebred by all the controversy that might come his way, rather he’s hell bent on giving his cat a worthy ninth life flying high in the sky. Well, don’t think that I’m getting emotional over all this, but it surely is bizarre but at the same instant, geeky stuff.

Via: News


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