Art & Design

JoeyBra: Bra with a pocket is any gal’s best found iPhone case

Being a party girl, one thing that would perturb you the most is, how to carry a phone or a card sans a handbag that doesn’t go well with the cheesy outfit you’ve specially bought to floor your guy? Well worry no more; a student-owned startup has come up with a gorgeous solution in the JoeyBra – which unlike the other bras (you’ve worn) comes with a specially tailored pocket to house anything from an iPhone to your credit card to cash.

Created by Kyle Barlow and Mariah Gentry, the silly yet practically perky pocket bra would definitely set a stride for gals who’ll easily stash up the cheekiest of thing in their cleavage and go unnoticed. Though, the bra pocket isn’t an innovation to droll over but sure is ladies best found iPhone case or a private purse!

Via: Geekwire


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